Me, myself, and I

One way to motivate yourself is to think of yourself as three distinct beings: your past self, your future self, and the present you.

 Your future self is the goal; the person you want to become. That's pretty straightforward.

fitness workout motivation

 Your past self, though, is the key to your motivation. Try to envision him or her. You need to see what all you've been through. All the hard work, the downfalls and the accomplishments. All the strenuous workouts; the blood, sweat and tears. Picture him or her staring back at you. Really put yourself in their shoes. See the dreams he or she was seeing. Absorb those emotions. Look in the mirror and ask your present self, do you not owe the past your continued effort and dedication?

 Now take those dreams into your next workout and fulfill them with every ounce of your being. You owe it to yourself not to give up on you now.

“This above all: to thine own self be true, 

And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."

 - Shakespeare (Hamlet)




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