The Body's Power to Heal

I remember back in 2009 I dislocated my shoulder during football. The excruciating pain. Moving it even a millimeter hurt so much. At that time, I felt I would never recover. However, with short exercises and tremendous persistence, slowly and steadily it healed.

 Now that same arm does pull ups, push-ups, and everything else it could previously do; in fact, even more than before!


 That is the power of your body. It has capabilities beyond your imagination. It has a tremendous capacity to heal. You just have to push it. You have to challenge it and give it a reason to become better. Trust me, it will listen. Like the legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi said: “The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.”

 And Arnold Schwarzenegger also mentions: "The body is very important, but the mind is more important than the body. Because that creates the will, the will that you need to go to the gym every day. The will that makes you go beyond if you can’t do another rep. It’s the will that makes you go one more time."

 Never underestimate your body. Use it to its fullest potential, and be amazed by what it can achieve.

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