Your Addiction


If you've ever been addicted to something, you are aware of that feeling of anticipation one gets leading up to actually doing it, such as looking forward to that smoke break, or a rich dessert, or any other guilty pleasure.

Well, to those of you always dreading the gym or early morning run, try and think of it as an addiction, and believe me it is.

fitness motivation

Look forward to it. Think not only of the benefits and that feeling you get after, but also of the actual grind. You must crave it.

Once you have made it your addiction, you will not want to skip it. It should be your vice. That one hang-up your friends and family complain about. The one thing on top of your priorities.

Fall in love with exercise and you will reach your goals automatically.


“True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.”

- Wilhelm von Humboldt

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